Envíos nacionales e internacionales rápidos y seguros

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HVT Course

€600,00 €1.600,00

Select the date most above👆 (next to AMOUNT) and choose the desired place and date, thank you.

Vocational Training Course towards Certification of workshops – HVT Technician

Training program adapted according to the bill stipulated in the BOE - RD 265/2021. Failing that, we have designed a plan of 40 teaching hours divided as follows:

  • Online training 8 hours

  • In-person training 32 hours.


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curso HVT
Cursos Híbridos y Eléctricos

HVT Course

€600,00 €1.600,00

Select the date most above👆 (next to AMOUNT) and choose the desired place and date, thank you.

Vocational Training Course towards Certification of workshops – HVT Technician

Training program adapted according to the bill stipulated in the BOE - RD 265/2021. Failing that, we have designed a plan of 40 teaching hours divided as follows:

  • Online training 8 hours

  • In-person training 32 hours.



  • 27-28-29-30 de marzo 2025 en MALAGA
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